
Term 3 Week 1
Genius Hour
Year 2 will be starting Genius Hour again this Friday. Please chat with your children about what they would like to investigate. If the children have a topic to start on Friday it will be most helpful.

Speaking and Listening
There is no Speaking and Listening Homework this week. The students will be introduced to the Schedule on Friday this week.
Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read. This is an area of the curriculum that we will be focussing on this term.
Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.
Extend a Word - choose a word from the spelling list. Break it into its phonemes. Add the word from the THRASS chart that the phoneme represents. Consonants words are written in blue above the word and vowels are in red below the word.
Write a Sentence - write each word in a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.
Rhymes - write words to rhyme with 
 match, happy, animal, ant      

Collection of Equipment for Science and Technology Lessons - Please help your child to collect the equipment that is required:

1 Shoebox - strong
1 Paper towel roll
2 Empty plastic bottles with lid - clean with wrappers removed (Maximum size 1L)

Term 2 Week 9

Speaking and Listening
Learn a Limerick to recite to the class.

Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.
Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.
Homework – Rhymes with king, ink, kangaroo, thank
It is essential that the students write neatly...

Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

On Thursday the students will be walking down the track behind Bunyan's Land. Chat with them about what may be different to the rainforest.

Term 2 Week 8

Speaking and Listening
Students write an ACROSTIC Poem and recite it to the class
The poem is to be based on the theme of water.

Eg  1
Water is a precious resource.
All people use water every day.
The water cycle teaches us where water comes from.
Evaporation is part of the cycle.
Rain is called precipitation.

Eg 2
Rain falls from the sky.
Are you collecting rainwater in a tank?
I love to jump in the puddles made from the rain.
Need it? Yes we do!

Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.
Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.
Rhymes with jam, cage, bridge, black

Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

Term 2 Week 7

A shorter week means that we will not have a spelling list and so we will not have Spelling Homework. 
Instead, homework for this week is to create an 'Informative Poster' about 'Water'.
1. We have studied the Water Cycle and so students could create a poster about the water cycle.
2. We have discussed how water gets to your home and so students could create a poster with a diagram and explanations.
3. A simple poster stating 10 Facts about Water.
The students will be provided with a piece of card which is half a large sheet of card.
4. A poster about saving water.

The poster is due on Friday and will be shown and talked about during Speaking and Listening.

Term 2 Week 6

(A lot of students have run out of glue)

Speaking and Listening
Students learn a poem about Colour. 
Can be a Rhyming poem or a Calalogue poem.

Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.
Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.
Rhymes: moon, screw, send, clock

Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

Term 2 Week 5

Speaking and Listening
Prepare a rhyming poem that is 6 lines.
I have encouraged the student to write their own poem to present.

Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.
Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.
Rhymes: bull, book, sand, jut

Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

Term 2 Week 4 

Speaking and Listening

Week 4
Find a simple poem with rhymes to learn and recite to the class. Minimum of 6 lines.


Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.

Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.

Rhymes with ear, deer, got, ant


Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

Term 2 Week 3
Speaking and Listening

Here is an example...

Spelling Homework 

Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.

Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.

Rhymes with car, cart, hard, pet

Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

Term 2 Week 2

Please find the Speaking and Listening Schedule attached. The students have also bought a paper copy home.

Week 2
Learn a favourite Nursery Rhyme to recite to the class.

The Spelling Homework is much the same as Term 1 with the addition of thinking of and writing rhyming words.

The rhymes for this week are 
bear .    chair .     their .          cat

Phoneme Fingers - colour the consonant phonemes blue and the vowel phonemes red.

Writing a sentence. Underline the word that is the spelling word used in the sentence. Encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs in the sentence.

Students have also bought a copy of the words that they misspelt in the 100 hotwords test. It would be of benefit for the students to learn these words as they are common words used in their writing.

Reading is essential homework each night. It is expected that the students read each night. Please complete the Reading Log and send it back to school after each time 20 books have been read.

Week 2 - we are learning about 2D shapes in Maths and their ability to flip, slide and turn.


Term 2 Week 1
No Homework this week.

Term 1 Week 11
Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words. Remember to use blue for the consonant phonemes and red for the vowel phonemes.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. 
Underline the word.
eg. In the book I was reading there was an old grandpa who had a big nose.

Speaking and Listening
Learning Intention:
I can tell the class what I plan to do in the holidays.
I can listen to my class members as they speak.
I can evaluate whether I am improving in my Speaking and Listening.

What are you planning to do in the holidays?

Term 1 Week 10
Dear Parents,
We have been studying Subtraction and would like you to know what we have been teaching. Here is a video about how we have taught 3 strategies.

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words. Remember to use blue for the consonant phonemes and red for the vowel phonemes.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. 
Underline the word.
eg. It was such an amazing weekend and I spent a lot of time swimming in the crystal, clear water.

Speaking and Listening


Write, or read and memorise a narrative that includes an orientation, complication and resolution. Use hand gestures, facial expression and varied voice to tell the story.
You can retell the narrative that you have written in class.

Term 1 Week 9

The Year 2 students have been studying the Unit 'Watch it Grow". They have planted sunflower seeds. Have a look at this picture. The centre is AMAZING! Patterns! WOW! 

This week there will be no Spelling or Speaking and Listening Homework.
Students will be given a typed narrative to complete the illustrations.
Please bring back after Easter.

Term 1 Week 8

EXTRA EXTRA! - The students have been given a typed copy of a Narrative that they wrote in class about a Fox family. The students need to illustrate the book and give it a title if they have not done that already. It is due back on Friday so that we can read each others' stories.

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words. Remember to use blue for the consonant phonemes and red for the vowel phonemes.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. 
Underline the word.
eg. I visited Taronga Park Zoo in the holidays and enjoyed watching the tiger as it wandered around its enclosure. 

Speaking and Listening
Book Review
Summarise a book that you have read for the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Explain why you enjoyed the book.

Term 1 Week 7

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. Underline the word.
eg. The nursery rhyme says, he put in his thumb and pulled out a plum!

EXTRA EXTRA!!! - Students to look for seeds and bring them in on Friday.

Speaking and Listening
Visual Literacy
Find a picture in a magazine or picture book that shows a particular visual literacy technique that we have investigated in class. Why did you choose that image? What technique does it show? 
See below...

Term 1 Week 6

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. Underline the word.
eg. When we arrived at the beach, the sun was shining and the sea was sparkling so we raced towards the sea.. 

Speaking and Listening
An Old Toy
Ask your parents or grandparents if they have a toy from their childhood that you can bring to show the class. Talk about who owns the toy, what it is made of, how you know it is old and any other information that you have found out about the toy.

Term 1 Week 5

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. Underline the word.
eg. The shark was swimming around looking for some food.

Speaking and Listening
What is your Favourite Insect?
Tell the class about your favourite insect and why it is your favourite ( no longer than 1 minute)

Term 1 Week 4

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. Underline the word.
eg. When I look at my watch is think I am late.

Speaking and Listening
What is your Hobby?
Tell the class about what you enjoy doing in your spare time. ( no longer than 1 minute)

Term 1 Week 3

On Thursday bring in either your favourite toy or a picture of your favourite toy.
You need to be able to say why the toy is your favourite.

Spelling Homework Booklet.
Complete the Phoneme fingers for your spelling words.
Write a sentence that contains your spelling word. Underline the word.
eg. It is so much fun to play with my baby brother while mum is cooking dinner.

Speaking and Listening
Investigate a Fox.
Present the information that you have found on a poster.
Bring on Friday.

Term 1 Week 2

Research either a Possum 2P or a Koala 2K
Present three interesting facts about the animal. 
Show the creature you created using the paper roll.

Homework Schedule for Speaking and Listening.
Term 1 2018
Practise counting forwards and backwards to 100
Write the numbers one to twenty

Term 4 Week 8

Speaking and Listening
Own Choice.
Prepare a one minute speech on any topic you wish. 
Last week we were surprised by the variety.
What about a SIZZLING START!
1 minute only.


Work hard on any activities to earn 1000 points or more.


Write your spelling words like a ladder in alphabetical order.

Term 4 Week 7

Speaking and Listening
Own Choice.
Prepare a one minute speech on any topic you wish. Go on surprise us!  1 minute only.


Work hard on any activities to earn 1000 points or more.


Write your spelling words like a snake in alphabetical order.


Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log. Last minute burst. How many books have you read this year?

Term 4 Week 6

Speaking and Listening
Perform Expressive Reading.
Choose a piece of writing from your favourite book and prepare to read it to the class. 1 minute only.


Work hard on any activities to earn 1000 points.


Write your spelling words like a find a word. 
Find your words.


Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log.

Term 4 Week 5

Speaking and Listening
Perform Expressive Reading.
This week you will perform your piece of writing. Choose one of the pieces that have been copied from the Roald Dahl books.
Remember to use expression, look at your audience at times and maybe use some gestures.
Complete the set activities on Patterns and Algebra


Practise the list words on the back of the sheet. Write in rainbow colours.

Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log.

Term 4 Week 4

Speaking and Listening

Complete the set activities on Patterns and Algebra


Practise the list words on the back of the sheet. Write in alphabetical order.


Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log.

Term 4 Week 3


Activities on Data.


Practise the list words on the back of the sheet. Write in a spiral pattern.


Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log.

Speaking and Listening.
Prepare to share with the class the findings of the Science activity.

Term 4 Week 2

There will be no Mathletics Homework set this week .


Prepare your speech for Public Speaking. 

The Prepared Speech will be presented to the class on Friday 20 October.

The three students who receive the highest marks will move to the Stage speak off in Week 3.

Practise the list words on the back of the sheet. Write in various colours and fonts.


Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log.

Technology DUE TUESDAY
Similar to last term, students are required to bring in:
- a USB with one family photo
- a printed picture or photograph of their family
Please note this is only required if your child has not already brought in their USB and photo last week. 

 Term 4 Week 1


Complete the activities based on the Topic of Chance.


Read through all the words with the ai, ay phoneme.

Create a set of cards with your spelling words. You will need 2 of each card. On Friday you will play a game with your cards.

Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Fill out your Reading Log.

Speaking and Listening.
Think about the topic that you are going to use for your Speech for Public Speaking.
Start to prepare your speech.

Technology DUE TUESDAY
Similar to last term, students are required to bring in:
- a USB with one family photo
- a printed picture or photograph of their family

Please note that we will need to keep the USB and family photo at school for the week as the students will be using the same USB next week for a technology assessment.   

Term 3 Week 9

  • If parents haven't signed up to See Saw please do so. This is the way that the portfolio is being presented this Semester.
  • Students have been asked to bring in a couple of family photographs as well as photographs of the family on a thumb drive. In Technology Lessons this week the students will be learning how to insert a picture into a document by taking a photo using the Chromebook of by uploading from a thumb drive. Tuesday is Technology day.
  • On Monday the students will be writing a speech about the book that they enjoyed the most this term. The students will need to write the speech on palm cards and present it on Friday during Speaking and Listening time.
Term 3 Week 8

Term 3 Week 7

Fete and Open Day

Thank you to all the parents who supported the school last Saturday for Fete and Open Day. It was a fabulous day.
The students have been working hard o thinking of excellent beginnings both to our Writing and Speaking.
We call our introductions 'Sizzling Starts'. 
This week for Speaking the students are to think of a 'SIZZLING START' for a topic of their choice.
Here are some ideas.


Term 3 Week 6

There has been a slight change to the Speaking and Listening activity.

Last week the students did not present their prepared speech.

We  talked about interesting beginnings to speeches. We spent a great deal of time giving ideas for interesting beginnings or "Hooking the Audience".

Homework for this week is to use the same topic as last week, but add an intersting start.

Term 3 Week 5

Term 3 Week 4

On Tuesday - if you have any currency from another country bring it in to show the other students.

Term 3 Week 3

Clothing for the Year 2 Item:
This may be brought to school in a clearly marked bag from tomorrow.
Field people and Farmer - Jeans or tights, boots and a checkered shirt and hat.
Max L: Blazer and pants Lexi:Nice dress
Servants: Black clothes
All others: - play clothes - joggers
Some students have offered to supply onsies for the cows.

Year 2 will be presenting an item at the K-6 Assembly this Friday 11:40 - 12:20.

The list of what the students are to bring to school to wear will be posted. Stay tuned.

Thank you to all the parents who sent cakes to school on Friday. We made over $200. Well done!

Term 3 Week 2

Year 2 Cake Day this Friday - 4th August.


PARENT HELP BEGINS IN WEEK 2 for Maths and Reading on Thursday

If your child does not have the required equipment could you please ensure that they have it by the end of this week. It is mainly glue that the students do not have.

Term 3 Week 1

Week 10

Home Reading Log 
  • Read for 10-15minutes each night.
Spelling Homework 

  • Based on student's 5 words.
    - Read the word aloud, Spell it aloud while tracing over it using coloured pencil, Rewrite the word correctly. Tuesday - Break the words up in to their phonemes (sounds). Wednesday - Write 2 or 3 of your words in full sentences. Enrichment spelling to write their words in sentences. 
    Thursday - Write the remainder of your words in full sentences.Enrichment spelling to complete word study. 

Note that the vowel sounds (not vowel letters) are coloured red. These are the sounds on the vowel side of the Thrass chart which means that the sound is pronounced with an open vocal tract, so that the tongue does not touch the lips, teeth, or roof of the mouth. E.g. the oo in moon.


  • Topic: Multiplication
  • Complete set mathletics tasks
Speaking and Listening

  • Learn or create a Haiku Poem to present to the class.
    A haiku poem consists of 3 lines.
    The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, the last line has 5 syllables.

Week 2

 Home Reading Log
  • Read for 10-15minutes each night.
Spelling Homework 

  • Based on student's 5 words.
    - Read the word aloud, Spell it aloud while tracing over it using coloured pencil, Rewrite the word correctly. Tuesday - Break the words up in to their phonemes (sounds). Wednesday - Write 2 or 3 of your words in full sentences. Enrichment spelling to write their words in sentences. 
    Thursday - Write the remainder of your words in full sentences.Enrichment spelling to complete word study. 

See below for this weeks answers

Mathletics Tasks 

  • Set weekly based on the maths topic taught in class.
Speaking and Listening
  • Memorise a favourite nursery rhyme to recite to the class. 

Art - Personal Collage                                    

  • Bring in photos and pictures (from magazines, brochures, newspapers, printed or drawn) of things that are personal to you to be used in this weeks artwork.
    E.g. Soccerball, family photo, flowers, favourite colour, favourite animal, instrument

2 Koalas (Due Wednesday 3rd May)

2 Possums (Due Friday 5th May)

Week 10

Week 9

Week 8 

Week 7

Week 6 

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

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