Friday 9 June 2017


Friday was an exciting afternoon where we researched the bee in more detail. Our afternoon began with a hunt for bees in the schoolyard. Then we brainstormed what we knew so far.
We watched some clips and were astounded to find that bees aren't black and yellow like be thought but rather brown and yellow. We also learnt that they have four wings. 

We researched the Honeybee which is quite common and learnt that the male bees are called drones. Drones don't have a stinger and all they do is live in the hive with the Queen Bee.
The worker bees are all female bees that have a stinger and use their long probiscus (tongue) to slurp up nectar. The worker bees gather up pollen on their hairy abdomen and in their pollen sacs.
Did you know that once a bee stings you then it dies?

We acted out our bee facts to the flight of the bumblebee.

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